About ARES
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is a corps of trained amateur radio operator volunteers organized to assist in public service and emergency communications. It is organized and sponsored by the American Radio Relay League or ARRL.
Communication failures have been a defining part of natural disasters and even some human-generated events. Amateur radio provides a means of communication “when all else fails”.
We proudly serve the Salt Lake County area.

Interested in emergency communications, amateur radio, and serving the community you reside as an amateur radio operator. If the answer is yes, Join ARES. Click on the link below to complete our membership registration form and best of all, it’s free.
Find all the training information you need to become and active and deployable ARES member. And for those that are currently active, find all the information you need to get to the next level of ARES operational deployment status.
Document Library
Within our library you will find all sorts of documents related to ARES, RACES, and emergency communications. You will also find our standard frequency load and other useful information pertaining to amateur radio in Salt Lake County.
Over-The-Air Nets
The Utah Section of the ARRL ARES group, serving Salt Lake County holds Over-The-Air (OTR) nets every Wednesday evening at 2030 hours, or 8:30PM, except for the 4th and 5th week of the month. Our nets are held on our primary frequency of 146.700, -0.6MHz Offset with a PL Tone of 100.0. This repeater is located on Ensign Peak which is in the northern area of Salt Lake County.
On the 5th Wednesday of the month we hold the net on our simplex frequency of 147.540
In-Person Meetings
Salt Lake County ARRL ARES holds in-person meetings January – October on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 1900 MT. Beginning January 2025, we will meet at the Intermountain Health Administration Building, 4646 West Lake Park Boulevard in West Valley City. This state-of-the-art facility was built specifically for Microsoft Teams remote and hybrid meetings, which will greatly enhance meeting content options.
Lake Park Boulevard is 2400 South, parallel to and south of UT-201. The Administration Building is a 1.4-mile drive west of Bangerter Highway, or 1.4 miles east of 5600 West. Pre-meeting talk-in is on 448.550- (100.0 Hz,) ARES Standard Load Channel 113.

Click below to download the current load sheet
SLCo ARES 2024 Approved Standard Frequency Load
This frequency load was developed by the ARES leadership group of Salt Lake County for use within the Salt Lake County area.
We recommend all operators and clubs within Salt Lake County follow this standard load so that in times of an emergency we can all communicate.
Should you have any questions in regard to the standard load, please reach out to our training team by clicking here.

Stay Informed
Keep up with all the happenings!
To stay up to date on everything that is going on within the SLCoARES group, join our Groups.io email list.

Please remember to turn on your radios at least once weekly and check into our over the air nets and also think about visiting us at one of our in person meetings. We would like nothing more then to have more Salt Lake County operators become involved within the area of emergency communications.